Certain foreign nationals may be deemed “inadmissible” to the United States based on administrative decisions entered against them or prior violations of status or the law. Based on this inadmissibility, these foreign nationals may be denied applications for visas or adjustments of status. However, waivers of inadmissibility exist and depending on each foreign national's situation, a waiver of inadmissibility may apply.
Waivers for Grounds of Inadmissibility
Our office has successfully represented many Waivers for clients who are deemed “inadmissible” by USCIS or CBP. We have expertise in preparing “extreme hardship” waivers for criminal grounds, unlawful presence, etc. by handling I-601 and I-601A provisional waivers. We also prepare 212(d)(3) nonimmigrant waivers for aliens who are inadmissible, but seeking a waiver to enter the U.S. on a temporary nonimmigrant visa. We represented a client who was not able to come to US for more than 10 years due to her prior immigration violation and related inadmissibility.
Removal Proceedings
We represent clients in removal proceedings once they receive their Notice to Appear (NTA) or Hearing Notice. We will review their immigration history and determine the appropriate avenues of relief and possible waivers. We accompany clients to court hearings, file appropriate motions, and handle the case from start to finish to ensure the best outcome for the clients.

What can we do for you?
Contact us to find out more about our services and how we can help meet your important legal needs.